Entoblitz 2011 — Elephant Mountain WMA
Texas A&M University Entomology Graduate Student Organization presents A 4-day, 3-night insect collecting blitz at Elephant Mountain WMA on Friday, April 22nd- Monday, April 25th
We will be camping at the 23,147 acre refuge which includes Desert Scrub, Desert Grassland, Riparian Zones, Juniper-Pinyon-Oak Woodland, and Deciduous Canyon Woodland habitats.
All Texas A&M students participating in Entoblitz are required to sign a waiver and release form ( http://insects.tamu.edu/intranet/pdf/student_waiver_form.pdf ). All Texas A&M employees will need to fill out a travel request ( http://agrilifeas.tamu.edu/library/pdf/forms/ag-802.pdf ) Please fill these out if you are a student or employee and bring them to me in the Heep Center 507A.
Open to anyone interested in entomology! RSVP soon by emailing Paul Lenhart